Empowering Authentic Style: The Journey of Cheryl Nomdarkhon

Cheryl Nomdarkhon is a Certified Personal Stylist and the sole owner of Uncover Your Style. Her journey into the world of fashion was sparked by a life-changing event in the spring of 2020. After being laid off from her job as a manager at a global training and development company during the COVID-19 pandemic, Cheryl began to reflect on her next career steps. While decluttering her home, she found a photograph of her father, who was always impeccably dressed. This discovery reminded her of a cherished memory of shopping together at the Toronto Eaton Centre, rekindling her love for fashion.

What distinguishes Cheryl in the industry is her unique blend of skills. As a Certified Personal Stylist, she brings a wealth of knowledge from her corporate background in personal and professional training and development, offering her clients a holistic approach to style. One of Cheryl’s proudest achievements is helping a close friend and client who was in remission from breast cancer. After undergoing a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, her friend faced the challenge of adjusting to her new body. Cheryl was able to guide her in embracing a new style, making a significant positive impact on her life.

Cheryl is also deeply committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Her business is 80% paperless, with all styling documents and packages emailed to clients. She prioritizes educating her clients about sustainable fashion, giving them the knowledge to make informed choices between sustainable and fast fashion. Balancing her professional and personal life is crucial to Cheryl. She finds support and strength in her close-knit circle of family, friends, and her Mastermind group, with whom she connects weekly. Additionally, Cheryl practices meditation, exercises regularly, and ensures she takes time for herself to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

“Not every opportunity or client is the right fit. It’s okay to say ‘no’ when necessary to maintain the integrity of your work.”

Cheryl Nomdarkhon has gathered valuable insights throughout her career as a Certified Personal Stylist and business owner. One of the most important lessons she has learned is that not every opportunity or client is the right fit. Cheryl emphasizes the importance of being selective and understanding that it’s okay to say “no” when necessary. This approach allows her to maintain the integrity of her work and stay aligned with her values. For aspiring business leaders, Cheryl’s advice is straightforward: be authentic and stay true to your values. She acknowledges that running a business is challenging, but she firmly believes that the rewards of doing what you love make it all worthwhile.

To stay informed about the latest trends and changes in the market, Cheryl relies on a variety of resources. She subscribes to daily fashion reports from reputable sources like Business of Fashion and WWD, and keeps up with industry blogs and podcasts from Style Academy International. Attending industry events and local fashion shows also helps her stay connected to the pulse of the fashion world.

When it comes to adapting to unexpected changes or challenges in the fashion industry, Cheryl believes in the power of continuous learning. The cyclical nature of fashion means that staying educated is essential, not just for her own growth but also to better serve her clients.

Looking ahead, Cheryl has ambitious goals for the future of her business. She aims to continue growing Uncover Your Style, reaching a wider audience and making a greater impact in the fashion world. Additionally, she is interested in expanding her expertise into fashion buying and styling, further broadening her influence in the industry.

“Be authentic and stay true to your values. It is challenging to run a business, but it is worth it to do what you love.”