Leading with Purpose: Tracey Sofra’s Mission to Empower Women Financially

Tracey Sofra is the founder and CEO of WOW Women, a company dedicated to empowering women to achieve financial independence. Her passion for helping women make confident financial decisions led her to create WOW Women, where the focus is on supporting single or divorced women in preparing for retirement and securing their financial future. Tracey’s leadership style is grounded in trust and empowerment. She believes in the potential of every individual and strives to create an environment where her team can thrive. While her approach is relaxed, she maintains high standards in the way people act, think, and conduct themselves.

What sets WOW Women apart from others in the industry is its unwavering commitment to the empowerment of women. At WOW, every team member shares the belief that financial independence should be within reach for all women, and they work together daily to make this a reality. In the past year, WOW Women experienced significant growth, which presented challenges such as implementing new systems, hiring, and managing a growing team. However, Tracey views this as an amazing opportunity to build the right culture and unite everyone under the common goal of empowering women financially.

For Tracey, the most rewarding aspect of her work is hearing from members who have completed the “empower” program and how it has changed their lives. This feedback is her greatest accomplishment as a business leader. Innovation is a key focus at WOW Women, where the leadership team meets weekly to brainstorm and bring new ideas to the table. With leaders from diverse backgrounds, the organization benefits from a range of perspectives, leading to the continuous development of new programs to better serve their members. When it comes to work-life balance, Tracey admits that she doesn’t prioritize it in the traditional sense. For her, work and life are intertwined, driven by a love for what she does. Her passion for her work fuels her ongoing drive to innovate and improve, making it less about balance and more about living her purpose every day.

Throughout her career journey, Tracey Sofra has learned a critical lesson: the importance of having the right marketing and sales team. She believes that without these key components, even the best programs and content can fail to reach their potential. No matter how great the product, if it isn’t marketed effectively to the right audience or sold properly, the business will struggle. This, as she puts it, is the “ugly truth.” When offering advice to aspiring business leaders, Tracey emphasizes the necessity of passion and belief in one’s mission. She acknowledges that there will be challenging moments where self-doubt creeps in, and it’s in those times that understanding your “why” becomes crucial. It’s this deep connection to purpose that will push you to keep going, no matter the obstacles.

“When you want to give up, your ‘why’ reminds you to keep going.”

To stay informed about emerging trends and changes in the market, Tracey remains active in her private practice at Sofcorp Wealth Financial Advisors. This role requires her to stay up-to-date with industry changes and complete 40 hours of professional development each year to maintain her credentials. When faced with unexpected challenges, Tracey and her team at WOW Women respond quickly and decisively. A recent example is the creation of a new program in just 10 days, from content development to marketing and sales preparation. Their strategy is simple: identify the need during weekly leadership meetings, then move swiftly to address it.

Cultivating a positive company culture is another area where Tracey excels. Her naturally positive outlook permeates the organization, creating an environment where optimism and empowerment thrive. Each team at WOW Women has a leader who shares Tracey’s leadership style, ensuring a consistent and supportive culture throughout the organization. To foster a sense of community, especially with a remote team, WOW Women holds monthly “happy hour” meetings and “getting to know each other” sessions.

Looking ahead, Tracey’s goals and aspirations are clear: she envisions a world where women no longer second-guess themselves and their financial decisions. Her mission is to create a world of financially empowered women who are confident in securing a healthy financial future for themselves and their families.

“Without the right marketing and sales team, even the best program can fail.”