Innovative Leadership in Mobile Gaming: Dan Ghitza’s Journey with Zarzilla Games

Dan Ghitza is the CEO of Zarzilla Games, a company specializing in mobile gaming, particularly social card games. Dan’s path to becoming a CEO was unconventional. He transitioned from a background in programming and development into the mobile gaming industry unexpectedly. His fascination with computer games from a young age naturally evolved into a career. Moving from technical roles to managerial and leadership positions, Dan invested significant time in understanding people and combining his networking skills with business development to lead the company effectively.

Zarzilla Games stands out in the industry by creatively updating classic card games to meet the high expectations of the modern casual gaming market. Their expertise in casual gaming allows them to transform traditional card games into engaging, social experiences. Additionally, Zarzilla Games excels at optimizing monetization without compromising the user experience, striking a balance that results in both enjoyable games and profitability. Dan envisions a bright future for Zarzilla Games, with plans to scale their featured game, Gin Rummy Super, globally. After years of dedicated work and optimization, the company is poised to increase its marketing efforts and expand its reach on an international scale.

One of the significant challenges Dan has faced as a CEO is recruiting for key positions and building a cohesive team. Despite thorough coordination of expectations, maintaining strong relationship management and continually improving people skills have been essential in understanding and supporting the team effectively. Dan considers the successful strategy and planning that led to the creation of Zarzilla Games and its brand as a significant achievement. However, he views navigating the challenges of being a startup in the competitive mobile gaming industry and achieving live releases of their games on app stores as his most notable accomplishment.

Innovation is crucial at Zarzilla Games due to the technical nature of mobile gaming, which involves multiple integrations with various APIs and systems. Initially, the product and development teams faced immense pressure to meet deadlines. Over time, they learned to prioritize tasks that impact key performance indicators (KPIs) and are critical for future versions. Staying updated with industry trends, new technologies, design partners, and system integrations is a continuous process, essential for driving the company forward.

Under Dan Ghitza’s leadership, Zarzilla Games continues to thrive, blending creativity and strategic innovation to meet the demands of the dynamic mobile gaming market.

Dan shared a specific strategy that has significantly contributed to Zarzilla Games’ success: collaborating with a unique ads distributor to incorporate intrinsic ads into their games. Unlike traditional video ads or banners that can disrupt gameplay, these intrinsic ads blend seamlessly into the game itself, enhancing the experience while driving business metrics. This initiative exemplifies how Zarzilla Games combines creativity with business and design aspects to achieve success.

Maintaining a positive company culture and high employee morale is a priority for Dan. He emphasizes fostering a supportive, ‘family-like’ atmosphere within Zarzilla Games. This involves listening to employees’ needs regarding company events, office environment, and benefits. The aim is to create a workplace where employees feel valued not just as colleagues but as friends, contributing to a cohesive and long-lasting team spirit. Dan is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Zarzilla Games actively participates in local community initiatives in Malta, where their headquarters is based, and engages in social activities through their studio in Lima, Peru. This includes volunteer work and various social activities organized by company employees and managers, reinforcing their commitment to giving back to the community.

To stay informed about industry trends and adapt strategies accordingly, Dan relies on various sources such as newsletters, podcasts, and LinkedIn. He also attends major industry conventions like Pocket Games Connect and GDC. These events provide opportunities to renew old connections and meet new potential collaborators and friends, keeping Zarzilla Games at the forefront of industry developments. For aspiring CEOs, Dan shares invaluable advice he received from an executive business coach: understanding what to focus on and maintaining that focus is crucial for achieving both short-term and long-term goals. For Dan, having clear tasks and goals has been critical, enabling him to make significant impacts quickly. He emphasizes the importance of clarity and sustained focus in driving success.

Through innovative strategies, a supportive company culture, commitment to social responsibility, and staying abreast of industry trends, Dan Ghitza continues to lead Zarzilla Games towards a promising future. His insights and experiences provide valuable lessons for aspiring CEOs and the broader business community.