PM Modi to meet Tesla CEO Elon Musk in US

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has embarked on his inaugural state visit to the United States, and according to ANI reports, he is scheduled to meet Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Alongside Musk, Modi will engage with a diverse group of individuals, including economists, artists, scientists, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Grammy award-winning Indian-American singer Falu (Falguni Shah).

While the agenda of the meeting remains undisclosed, it is noteworthy that Musk has previously expressed interest in bringing Tesla to the Indian market. However, there have been obstacles due to certain issues. India reportedly declined Tesla’s request to lower the import tax on cars, which can reach as high as 100%. The Indian government prefers Tesla to manufacture vehicles locally, whereas the company sought to assess market demand through imports initially.

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Musk stated that Tesla would likely finalize a location for a new factory by the end of this year. When asked about the possibility of establishing a factory in India, Musk responded affirmatively, expressing genuine interest in the country as a potential manufacturing hub.

This meeting between Modi and Musk is not their first encounter. Back in 2015, during Modi’s previous visit to the US, he had the opportunity to tour the Tesla factory with Musk. During their interaction, the discussions centered around Tesla’s advancements in battery technology, energy storage, renewable energy, and the positive impact these innovations could have on India.

While the specific details of the meeting between Modi and Musk are yet to be revealed, it is evident that both parties recognize the potential benefits of collaboration. The encounter holds significance for the future of electric vehicles in India and the broader advancement of sustainable technologies.

As Modi continues his engagements in the United States, this meeting with Elon Musk represents a notable opportunity for discussing possibilities, addressing challenges, and exploring avenues for mutual cooperation in the realm of sustainable mobility and clean energy solutions.