It’s time to adopt Technology-driven Leadership

Irregular working hours in offices can create unpleasant environments due to conflicting policies, concerns about involvement and trust, and other challenges. However, over the past two decades, HR teams have often been neglected, especially with the rise of international virtual teams and the impact of the pandemic. Instead of proactively collaborating with the business to establish a strong virtual leadership strategy and culture, HR teams have tended to assist managers on an as-needed basis.

While the fundamentals of leadership remain the same, virtual leadership presents unique challenges that require attention. HR plays a crucial role in developing strategies to empower executives in shaping their collaborative future, where they lead rather than being driven solely by technology.

Education and training for leaders and managers are essential in the virtual world, as it operates within a distinct management paradigm often overlooked by organizations. Merely replicating interpersonal interactions online is not sufficient for long-term success.

The transformation of technology is a key consideration. Organizations must assess the long-term impact of different IT platforms on teamwork and collaboration. HR needs to bridge the gap between technology and psychology to ensure leaders consciously cultivate a culture of virtual leadership and collaboration.

Effective organizing techniques are vital, as remote workers often worry about their efforts going unnoticed, affecting their chances of promotion. Managers face challenges in monitoring employee performance without direct observation. HR-designed procedures and tools for online performance management and onboarding can address these concerns.

The use of hierarchy in virtual teams requires attention. While middle management and senior leaders may receive virtual leadership training, boards of directors and executive teams are often overlooked. HR can play a crucial role in helping these higher-level teams understand the need to unlearn and relearn in the virtual context.

Working in a virtual environment leads to new perspectives on leadership roles, cooperation, performance, and teamwork. It challenges traditional notions of physical location and labor, requiring employees and leaders to adapt their thoughts and attitudes. HR’s strategic role in facilitating this adaptation becomes increasingly important.

As virtual teams become more prevalent, effective virtual leadership will gain greater attention. While many leadership traits and abilities remain relevant, leaders must also consider the impact of distance on their leadership style. Leaders who are skilled in managing virtual teams can fully leverage the advantages that virtual teams offer to the organization.